Funded under Project Ireland 2040, the Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS) is a key measure directly supporting the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First (TCF) Policy.
The 2023 TVRS is designed to support the revitalisation of rural Ireland through a renewed focus on town centre economic and social recovery and regeneration. This will be achieved through projects focusing on town centre regeneration, enhancing our Streetscapes and bringing vacant and derelict buildings back into use as community multi-purpose spaces through refurbishment and renovation.
This year the scheme will also include a focus on Town or Village Centre Markets (e.g. Farmers Markets, Open-Air Markets, Local Trader Markets, Artisan Markets or similar) in alignment with the Programme for Government.
An indicative fund of €15 million is now available under the 2023 TVRS to support small to medium capital projects which enhance the environment of town or village centres and support economic and social vibrancy.
-Grant funding for projects will range from €20,000 to €500,000 throughout the country.
-The minimum grant available is €20,000.
-The maximum level of grant available for 2023 will remain at €500,000 in respect of one application from each local authority, in order to align the scheme with the type of projects and level of ambition identified in Our Rural Future. It is envisaged such projects will generate significant positive impacts.
-A maximum of €250,000 will apply in respect of a further 4 applications.
Mayo inhabited Islands
-One additional application will be accepted from each local authority with inhabited offshore islands, for one large scale project of up to €250,000.
In line with Our Living Islands, the Government’s national islands policy and as set out in Our Rural Future, the Government will continue to support inhabited offshore islands under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme in 2023. Inhabited offshore islands are explicitly eligible to apply under the Scheme and are actively encouraged to do so. This will support sustainable and vibrant communities and provide visitors with an opportunity to experience and appreciate the unique culture, heritage and environmental richness the islands have to offer.
Mayo Transition Region in North West area
-In recognition of the classification by the EU Commission of the North-Western region as a Transition Region and with a view to proactively address regional disparities, grant aid of 95% of the total project cost will exceptionally apply to counties in the N-W region, which includes Co. Mayo. The remaining 5% match funding must take the form of a cash contribution and can be contributed by the Local Authority and/or the community and/or Philanthropic contributions. Funds secured from existing Department of Rural and Community Development schemes or programmes or other public funding streams are not eligible to be used as matched funding.
Section 5 and 6 of the Scheme Outline provides detail of the types of projects that will be supported/will not be supported.
Link to Scheme Outline & EOI: Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2023 (
If you require the EOI and scheme outline as Gaeilge, please contact [email protected]
*Closing date for receipt of Expressions of Interest to Mayo County Council via the portal is 3pm 28th September 2023.
(**This deadline is set and must be adhered to, to allow all applications be assessed in advance of the Local Authority submitting final applications to the Department of Rural and Community Development by 10th November 2023**)
For further information, please email [email protected]