About The Mayo Public Participation Network

Mayo Public Participation Network was set up as part of the framework for public participation in local government and it has a statutory basis in the Local Government Reform Act 2014 (Section 46).

It is the main link through which the Local Authority connects with the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental groups in County Mayo.

Mayo County PPN aims to enable community organisations to articulate a diverse range of views and interests within the local government system, and to allow a diversity of voices and interests to be facilitated and involved in the decision-making process of Mayo County Council and other relevant bodies.

Who joins Mayo PPN?

All Community & Voluntary, Environmental and Social Inclusion groups register for the PPN. These include but are not limited to: Community Centres, Youth Groups, Residents Associations, Active Age Groups, Sports Clubs, Community Councils, Community Projects, Tidy Towns, Social Support Projects, etc.

What are the 3 Pillars?

When registering with the PPN, groups are allocated a pillar which best describes the activities of their organisation. The pillar help identify the most relevant opportunities for your group and assure suitable representation on committees.

Social Inclusion Pillar:

The primary focus of the group is improving the lives of those who are marginalised in society, living in poverty or in unemployment.

Environmental Pillar:

The primary focus of the group is environmental protection and / or environmental sustainability.

Community and Voluntary:

All other community and / or voluntary groups.

Criteria for membership of the PPN

To qualify for membership, groups must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Groups are not-for-profit and operate within the community, voluntary and environmental sectors
  • Have more than five (5) members
  • Have an appropriate governance structure e.g. a written constitution operating rules & procedures. If you do not have this you can find a sample here.
  • Be a minimum of six months in existence
  • Be open to new members
  • Have a formal structure e.g. Chairperson, Secretary or Equivalent
  • Be active and have a postal address in County Mayo
  • Be broadly representative and accountable
  • Hold an AGM and have regular meetings
  • Be non-party political, anti-sectarian and non-discriminatory
  • Be independent, with a committee or board (not a substructure or subcommittee)
  • Are volunteer led (organisations can have paid staff, but must be under voluntary control)
  • Be able to establish their bona fides as a community or voluntary organisation and provide documentation if requested to do so
  • Where a PPN Member intends to run for public office they must declare their interest and on formal nomination step down from the PPN for the period of the elections and can return if not elected
  • Renew their membership every year
  • Ensure to notify PPN Office of any changes in details of primary contact person for your group