PPN Representation
Members of Mayo PPN can elect other members to act as representatives of the PPN on different local government committees.
The role of these representatives is to represent the issues of PPN members on a particular Board or Committee and to bring forward these issues to the committee for their consideration. PPN representatives can also put items on the agenda of the committee.
PPN representatives are not at committee meetings just to represent their own group or agenda. They must represent the varied views of those PPN members who have an interest in the areas covered by the committee.
PPN Representatives are informed of the views of PPN member organisations through Linkage Groups.
The PPN does this by:
- Electing community, environment and social inclusion representatives to local authority committees and other policy making boards and agencies.
- Building strategic and collaborative relationships with decision makers.
- Enabling and encouraging members to engage in public consultations
- Creating and working towards a vision for the well-being of this and future generations.
- Identifying issues of collective concern and work to influence policy locally in relation to these issues.
- Acting as an information hub.
Committees in Mayo with PPN Representatives
- Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)
- Mayo County Council Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs):
- Housing
- Climate Change and Environment
- Economic and Enterprise Development
- Roads and Sustainable Travel
- Community, Integration, and Recreation
- Planning and Corporate Development
- Mayo Sports Partnership
- Mayo Community Futures
- Western Region Drug & Alcohol Task Force
- North West Fisheries Local Action Group
- Sláintecare