PPN Representation

Members of Mayo PPN can elect other members to act as representatives of the PPN on different local government committees.

The role of these representatives is to represent the issues of PPN members on a particular Board or Committee and to bring forward these issues to the committee for their consideration. PPN representatives can also put items on the agenda of the committee.

PPN representatives are not at committee meetings just to represent their own group or agenda. They must represent the varied views of those PPN members who have an interest in the areas covered by the committee.

PPN Representatives are informed of the views of PPN member organisations through Linkage Groups.

The PPN does this by:

  1. Electing community, environment and social inclusion representatives to local authority committees and other policy making boards and agencies.
  2. Building strategic and collaborative relationships with decision makers.
  3. Enabling and encouraging members to engage in public consultations
  4. Creating and working towards a vision for the well-being of this and future generations.
  5. Identifying issues of collective concern and work to influence policy locally in relation to these issues.
  6. Acting as an information hub.

Committees in Mayo with PPN Representatives

  • Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)
  • Mayo County Council Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs):
    1. Housing
    2. Climate Change and Environment
    3. Economic and Enterprise Development
    4. Roads and Sustainable Travel
    5. Community, Integration, and Recreation
    6. Planning and Corporate Development
  • Mayo Sports Partnership
  • Mayo Community Futures
  • Western Region Drug & Alcohol Task Force
  • North West Fisheries Local Action Group
  • Sláintecare

Mayo County Council Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)

The Mayo Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) was established in 2014 for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development. The committee is made up of representatives from the Local Government and Local Development sectors, public bodies and representatives of social, economic, environmental and community interests. The LCDC is a sub-committee of the local authority but is independent in the discharge of its functions under the Local Government Act 2014.

In 2016 the Mayo LCDC launched its six- year local community plan LCEP which includes measures to tackle poverty and disadvantage, support enterprise, employment and training, develop community infrastructure and promote economic development.

The LCDC is also responsible for the strategic coordination, governance, planning and oversight of Local Development expenditure by Local Authorities on behalf of the state or by other Local Development agencies and structures for example the LEADER Programme and SICAP Programmes.

The PPN has 5 seats on the LCDC: 2 Social Inclusion reps, 2 Community & Voluntary reps, 1 Environmental rep

What is the role of your PPN representative?

  1. To represent the experience of the community, social inclusion and/or environmental issues in the county.
  2. To identify issues of collective concern to the sectors your rep represents.
  3. Ensure the wider PPN community are aware of policy or programmes at LCDC level that may impact on sectors.
  4. To provide feedback from meetings.

Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) – PPN Representatives

Bernard Joyce

Environment Seat

Involved in Mayo Cool Planet, Castlebar Grow Remote Founder, Communications Officer Mayo Foróige, GAA Professional: Heritage in schools Specialist, Founder of Nature School, owner New Paradigms Consulting. Native woodland owner. Honours Degree in Rural Development, Digital Design, Technology and Innovation. Honours in Management for Sustainable Development with Dissertation on the Role of LECPS in Climate Change Adaptation

Austin Francis O’Malley

Social Inclusion Seat

Chairperson Louisburgh Mens Shed,
Chairperson of Lousiburgh/Kileen I.FA
Chairperson of Development Company
Kileen Group Water Scheme
Former chair of Mayo County Council
Former chair of LTACC
Former chair of Louisburgh Community Futures
Former chair of water monitoring of County Mayo

Mary Jackson

Social Inclusion Seat

Mary is the Project Coordinator of Tacú Family Resource Centre which supports Individuals, Families and community groups in Ballinrobe and throughout the Lake District of South Mayo. Tacú also has a county brief as two of our Project’s cover the County ie The Community Based Family Support Project in Mayo and the Drug and Alcohol Family Support Project where I manage the County Team leader and the Drug and Alcohol Family Support worker. If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” is a quote from Desmond Tutu and my AGENDA is that the voice of those that are oppressed are heard.  She is committed to ensuring that she will engaged extensively with people who are socially excluded to ensure that she represent their needs.  She feels she has a balanced understanding between National Policy and the needs on the ground. 

Siobhan Gough

Community & Voluntary Seat

I have been involved with the local Crossmolina community for over 8 years. Served as Chairperson of the Crossmolina Community Council, I am currently involved with the Cemetery Committee and Nephins Haven; I was previously appointed to the PPN Secretariat and I am currently CSP Manager for the Crossmolina Area.

Billy Freeley

Community & Voluntary Seat

30 years’ experience community voluntary work in Irishtown. Chairperson of Irishtown community development. Been involved in various community projects – Local History and Heritage, Foróige, Church, Board of Management of local schools, developing facilities like – walkway, playground, social housing.

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)

SPCs advise and assist the Council in its work. While it is the task of each SPC to assist the Council in the formulation and development of policy, the final policy decisions will rest ultimately with the full Council.

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in City and County Councils whose membership includes elected Councillors, representatives of business, commercial, development, construction, community & voluntary, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions, education & arts.

There are 6 SPCs in Mayo County Council. The PPN have representatives on five of the SPCs. Representing the following PPN Pillars

  • Community and Voluntary
  • Environment
  • Social Inclusion

What are Strategic Policy committees?

Strategic Policy Committees were introduced as part of an ongoing process of local government reform and in keeping with the policy of broadening involvement in the local government through participation by community and sectoral interests.

The role of the SPCs is:

  • To formulate policy proposals, evaluate and report on policy implementation for consideration.
  • Provide policy centred committees which can harness the experience of external bodies in the formulation of policy.

The Committees are not designed to deal with routine operational matters in relation to the delivery of services. These are dealt with thorough the Area Committees.

How are they structured?

The SPCs which consists of elected members of Mayo County Council and others who are nominated by/or representative of the sectors relevant to the work of the SPC.

The Chairperson of each Committee is appointed from the full Council, from amongst the Councillor appointees to the SPCS. i.e. the Cathaoirleach is a member of the Council.

SPC membership for Councillors will be for the lifetime of the Council. A member ceasing to be a Councillor will cease to be a member of the SPC. Councillors may not be nominated to represent sectoral interests.

Sectors Represented on the SPC’s include the National Pillars representing Agricultural/Farming; Business/Employers and Trade Unions with representatives from Environment, Social Inclusion and Community/Voluntary being nominated through the Public Participation Network (PPN).

Mayo County Council have 6 Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs)

Housing SPC 2 PPN Representatives
Climate Change & Environment SPC 1 PPN Representative
Economic & Enterprise Development SPC 1 Environment Representative
Planning & Corporate Development SPC 3 PPN Representatives
Community, Integration & Recreation SPC 3 PPN Representatives
Roads & Sustainable Travel SPC 1 PPN Representatives

PPN & SPC Representatives

PPN Representatives perform an important function on behalf of PPNs. They are elected by Member Groups to get involved in, and contribute   to, Local Authority Boards/Committees and non-LA Boards/Committees on behalf of the PPN. In doing this, they are bringing the voice of the community to the decision-making committees in Mayo Co Council to represent the PPN as a whole.

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) – PPN Representatives

SPC 1 – Housing SPC

Niall Dunne

Community & Voluntary Rep

As Manager of Mayo MHA, with extensive experience in housing and service delivery, Niall’s background in overseeing housing operations and working with service users aligns closely with the SPC’s mission to formulate, develop, and review housing policies. His role has involved tackling issues such as housing supply, acquiring accommodation and managing vacant homes. His experience with Mayo MHA has developed his skills in addressing complex housing needs and collaborating with diverse stakeholders. Niall is committed to leveraging this expertise to assist Mayo Co. Council in shaping impactful housing policies and addressing issues such as defective concrete blocks and anti-social behaviour.

SPC 2 – Climate Change and Environment

Graham Cawdell

Environment Rep

Graham is a retired hospital consultant who has had a lifelong interest in wildlife. He has been a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) for over 60 years and is also a member of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and BirdWatch Ireland (BWI).  He was appointed as assistant secretary for BWI Mayo Branch in December 2021.

As a clinician Graham led gynaecological cancer and the colposcopy services for St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals. He also performed a major role in postgraduate education within Mersey Deanery after being appointed as its first training programme director and later to the chair of the specialist training committee for obstetrics and gynaecology.

As a branch secretary for BWI he is responsible for its social media and administration.

SPC 4 – Roads and Sustainable Travel

Sarah Togher

Environment Rep

MSc Business | Fellow Chartered Institute of Transport and Highways (FCIHT)

With over three decades of experience in the community development sector, Sarah brings a dedicated and proven track record in rural transport, community engagement, programme management, governance and charity law. Currently, Sarah leads a small team, overseeing 160 weekly rural transport services, collaborating with the National Transport Authority (NTA) Connecting Ireland on rural mobility plans spearheading reviews to improve transport links for diverse populations throughout county Mayo. The role demands adept financial and project management, stakeholder engagement and a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion. Sarah is motivated to effect positive change in the county and is committed to consistently offering strategic insights and expertise to further enhance the transportation sector in line with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

SPC 5 – Community, Integration and Recreation

John Gallagher

Community & Voluntary Rep

John Gallagher has been an active member of the Erris community for over 30 years. He has been Chairperson of Comharchumann Forbartha lonad Deirbhile since 2005 and a board member prior to this. John was chairperson of CLG Beal an Mhuirthead when the new development at Tallaght took place and is still an active member of CLG Beal an Mhuirthead currently filling the role as Oifigeach Gaeilge. John has been involved with Came Golf Links for over 8 years and is currently treasurer of Erris Tourism. He is also Chairperson of lorras Domhnann. A retired teacher since 2013, John also been a publican for over 40 years.

Bernadette Frain

Social Inclusion Rep

Bernadette Frain has worked in social care for numerous years across the following areas, early childhood, school age, adult services. She currently manages a service for young autistic adults. This has given her experience, insight, knowledge and expertise across people’s lifespan. She has gained key skills in active listening, advocacy, person centred planning and lived experience.

Bernadette recognises the value of networking and has made many connections with community groups, organisations & sport clubs. She was instrumental in setting up Castlebar Autism Friendly Town and holds the position of committee secretary. She has participated in strategic planning both for her own organisation and outside.

Bernadette lives in a rural community which has given her insight into the benefits and challenge’s rural communities experience.

SPC 6 – Planning and Corporate Development

Austin Francis O’Malley

Social Inclusion Rep

Chairperson Louisburgh Mens Shed,
Chairperson of Lousiburgh/Kileen I.FA
Chairperson of Development Company
Kileen Group Water Scheme
Former chair of Mayo County Council
Former chair of LTACC
Former chair of Louisburgh Community Futures
Former chair of water monitoring of County Mayo

Joan Jennings

Environment Rep

Joan Jennings is retired and involved in a number of voluntary organisations. She has a business degree and is a Chartered Director. She has been a committee member/Treasurer for Westport Social Services for a number of years. Joan is a Director of Westport Credit Union having served as Chairperson & Secretary. She has represented credit unions at a regional level. In 2023, she was elected onto the national board of the Irish League of Credit Union, where they are implementing an Environmental, Social and Governance policy both at local and national level.

With her qualifications and experience at committee level, Joan believes she brings skills and knowledge that will be valuable to the SPC. Also what she has learnt in developing the ESG policy will be beneficial to the committee.
Joan likes to meet new people, accept challenges, and learn new things.

Mayo Sports Partnership

Nomination process is underway

Mayo Community Futures

Nomination process is underway

Western Region Drug & Alcohol Task Force

Nomination process not yet underway

North West Fisheries Local Action Group

Nomination process not yet underway


Nomination process not yet underway