What is the Secretariat?

The Secretariat/committee is the administrative body of the PPN and is elected by the members of the PPN. The Secretariat also oversee the day-to-day operation of the PPN and implement the PPN workplan. Secretariat members are elected by the Plenary (collection of all groups registered with Mayo PPN).

The Secretariat is at county level and is broad and representative of the different geographical areas and the three pillars [Environment, Social Inclusion and Voluntary & Community] within County Mayo and reflective of the diversity of the membership and shall:

  • Be made up of 14 members, 2 from each of the 3 pillars and two from each of the 4 municipal districts and be elected by the County Plenary
  • Facilitate the implementation of decisions made by the Plenary
  • Act as the coordinating body of the PPN and facilitate the PPN’s day to day business
  • Facilitate and monitor effective communication between member groups and PPN representatives to ensure quality input into decision-making structures
  • Ensure procedures for elections are adhered to
  • Act as a support to representatives
  • Develop and oversee an annual work-plan for the PPN in agreement with Mayo County Council and carry out reviews as appropriate
  • The Secretariat shall hold a minimum of 4 meetings per year and will appoint a Convener and deputy.

Meet the Secretariat

The Secretariat Committee is elected by the Plenary to oversee the day-to-day operation of the Public Participation Network and implement the PPN workplan. It is made of 14 members, 2 from each of the 3 Pillars and two from each of the 4 Municipal Districts.

Maureen Timlin

Community and Voluntary Rep

Involved with local community groups & organisations for over 20 years.

Currently on the Crossmolina Community Council.

Member of Crossmolina Pantomime Troupe.

Previously a member of: Crossmolina Festival, Crossmolina National School Parents Assoc, The Venet Girl Guides.

Graham Cawdell

Environmental Rep

Graham is a retired hospital consultant who has had a lifelong interest in wildlife. He has been a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) for over 60 years and is also a member of the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and BirdWatch Ireland (BWI).  He was appointed as assistant secretary for BWI Mayo Branch in December 2021.

As a clinician Graham led gynaecological cancer and the colposcopy services for St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals. He also performed a major role in postgraduate education within Mersey Deanery after being appointed as its first training programme director and later to the chair of the specialist training committee for obstetrics and gynaecology.

As a branch secretary for BWI he is responsible for its social media and administration.

Gemma Hensey

Environmental Rep

Gemma this year collated and produced a book for four primary schools in Westport. She is actively involved in the local community in various ways and worked abroad for a year after retirement.

Gemma has been involved in various campaigns mainly to do with the environment. With a career as a careers guidance teacher she has plenty of experience of being innovative and organising events.

Sheila Hunt

Social Inclusion Rep

Sheila wanted to serve as a secretariat member under social inclusion pillar as she feels that a lot of the work she undertakes in Kilmovee Community Housing is working with people who are marginalised, vulnerable and underrepresented in society. This centre provides social housing, services and supports for people often living in isolation, in very rural settings and who may have nobody to help them or give them support.

As communities develop and evolve it is important that people are included into communities and integrate in the community at all levels. She believes that everyone has a right to have a voice, be heard and have their wishes met and strives to make a difference in peoples’ lives.

Annette Maughan

Ballina MD Rep

Annette is a professional within the community development sector in North Mayo and is an active member of several community and voluntary organisations in the Ballina and Killala areas.

Annette is involved in sporting, environmental and social inclusion projects, groups and committees. She brings expertise in leadership, governance, financial management and community development.

Annette is keen to support the work of the PPN as she recognises the importance of community groups and organisations having an active say in the issues of the day that impact on them.

Bernie Finan 

Ballina MD Rep

He has previously held this role in the community

He has experience on many organisations.

He can dedicate time to the role.

Kieran Joyce

Castlebar MD Rep

Kieran has over 17 years experience working in Local Government sector and 2 years’ experience working in the Education sector.  He is clear of the role that he will have to perform on the Secretariat and he is clear of the commitment that he must give to carry out the role.

While working in the Local Government sector he has worked closely with many community groups and realise the importance of the PPN in shaping the futures of our communities.

Daragh Owens

Claremorris/Swinford MD Rep

Lives in Shrule, recently was Convener for Mayo PPN, Assistant Group leader in Ballinrobe Scouts for the last 10 years.

Involved with other community groups in Ballinrobe to help access funding opportunities to improve facilities.

Daragh also serves on National PPN Secretariat Network which is involved in areas to improve the PPN nationally.

Austin Francis O’Malley

Westport/Belmullet MD Rep

I have been a representative of the public on Mayo County Council for many years but retired five years ago.

I am passionate about community and especially social inclusion. I am the current chair of Louisburgh Area Mens Shed (LAMS).

The Resource Worker

The PPN Resource Worker is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the PPN and for enabling the delivery of the aims and purpose of the PPN and in line with the agreed workplan. The Support Worker is the admin support to the Resource Worker.