Castlebar Hosting Nonprofit Governance & Networking Event

I’d like to invite you to join me in Castlebar on the afternoon of Wednesday 29 May for a free Networking and Governance training for local nonprofits.

This engaging afternoon gathering will be a perfect opportunity for to learn more about the very best of governance practices, as well as to get full briefed on the new Charities Governance Code along with additional supports available from The Wheel.

This free event is open to all community and voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises from across Mayo and surrounding counties.

The afternoon will also serve as a forum for you to meet with your fellow nonprofit organisations, find out how they are dealing with common challenges, as well as to share possible solutions and build lasting relationships.

I hope you can join us for this very special event. It takes place at the Castlebar Regional Training Centre, Gorteendrunagh in Castlebar from 2pm – 4.30pm on Weds, 29 May.

Register your free place now

Johnny Sheehan | Membership and Regional Manager