Cultural Capital Scheme – Stream E

The Cultural Capital Scheme was originally launched in October 2019, with a total fund of €4.7m.

Some €1.4m is now being made available under ‘Stream E’ of the scheme.  In line with the Government’s action on climate change, this scheme will provide funding for projects that reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint and will, for the first time, include funding for organisational energy audits.  Projects that provide additional capacity for artists and artistic production, as well as those that address access issues, will also be supported. Examples of what will be funded, include:

  • Refurbishment and upgrading of facilities
  • Energy audits
  • Projects that reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint including energy upgrade projects e.g. insulation, solar panels, LED lighting.
  • Projects that address access, including accessibility audits
  • Health and Safety upgrades

Grants of up to €50,000 will be available to not-for-profit organisations with a defined arts & culture remit.  Grants will be offered for eligible projects, as follows:

  • Grants up to €20,000 at a grant funding rate of 85% (60% for Local Authority owned facilities);
  • Grants up to €50,000 at a grant funding rate of 70% (60% for Local Authority owned facilities);

This will be a rolling scheme i.e. there will be no closing date, and will remain open until the fund is exhausted.  The scheme’s guidelines, together with application form and frequently asked questions, are now available on the Department’s website from 14 June 2023 at the following link: – Creative Arts: Grants and Funding (