Electorate for Oweninny Community Benefit Fund ( Evaluation Committee)

Oweninny Community Benefit Fund
March 2020

The Oweninny Windfarm, situated in North Mayo, is being developed by Oweninny Power Ltd.

Mayo County Council has established a Community Benefit Fund on foot of an agreement with Oweninny Power Ltd.

As part of this agreement an Evaluation Committee will be established.

The purpose of the Oweninny Evaluation Committee is to assess applications received seeking funding under the Oweninny Community Benefit Fund. Membership of the Committee will include two community members: one community member from the Erris area and one from the Tyrawley area of County Mayo.

The election process is as follows:
1. Only Public Participation Network (PPN) registered groups, within the Erris area are eligible to vote, be nominated and be elected for the Erris area.
2. Only Public Participation Network (PPN) registered groups, within the Tyrawley area are eligible to vote, be nominated and be elected for the Tyrawley area.
3. The election process will follow the standard PPN postal vote election procedure.

Below is the list of PPN registered groups that our files show are registered within the Erris and Tyrawley areas.

Registered Groups in the Erris Area

Registered Groups in the Tyrawley Area

If you believe that your PPN registered group is within the Erris or Tyrawley area and that you are not on these lists, please contact us before 4pm March 9th to the following contact address
Oweninny CBF Board c/o Mayo PPN, Mayo House, Moneen Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo. F23 N504 or by email to [email protected]
If you require any further information regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All the best,
Jim Power.
Community Coordinator.
Mayo County Council | Mayo House | Moneen Road | Castlebar | County Mayo | F23 N504 E: [email protected] P: +353 (0) 94 9064390 M: +353 (0) 87 2793085 W: www.mayo.ie | www.mayococo.ie