ENVIRONMENTAL PILLAR – Consultations and Surveys.

Common Agriculture Policy

and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive

Please see below two consultations/surveys that you or your member groups may be interested in.

The first is a consultation on the Common Agricultural Policy. The Environmental Pillar would like to welcome interested persons to their meeting this Friday, especially those from the wider rural community who would like to see effective and fair action on climate and biodiversity in the CAP. The Pillar will be discussing issues that could be included in a submission. All are welcome to join this Friday at 2pm.

The second is an EU survey on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive. The survey is open till this Friday 13th. See more info below, including the survey answers from Sonairte who have kindly shared their work that you can use for ideas for your own answers if you wish.

Thank you for any input you are able to make to these consultations/surveys.