Our latest newsletter is out, which contains the information for the Monthly Meet Up, as well as some upcoming events from Cork Nature Network, and events from the Organic Centre for Heritage Week.
The Organic Centre would like to highlight some of their events that may be of particular interest to those with an environmental interest. They are hosting outdoor art sessions, online Biodiversity workshop with Leif Barry, expert advice from soil scientist Aga Piwowarczyk, and Storytelling with Ragina Fahey. Aga’s workshop has been specifically designed for members of environmental groups.
There are two exciting volunteer opportunities from Vincent Wildlife Trust and Bat Conservation Ireland. Both of these projects will help to build a greater understanding of bats in Ireland. Vincent Wildlife Trust’s project can be undertaken at home, while Bat Conservation Ireland is putting out a call for help from anyone who has an active bat roost on their land.
All of this information can be found and shared with this link: https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?u=410e34a6e44e77c49586b68a6&id=6bb0825feb