LEADER Programme 2023- 2027
Following Public consultations held in various venues around the county over the past number of weeks, Mayo Local Development Committee (LCDC) wants to hear your ideas and priorities for the New LEADER Local Development Strategy for County Mayo, and are now offering you the opportunity to ‘have your say’ by joining one of our online public consultations, which will take place online via Microsoft Teams at 11 am Wednesday 24th May, with a second session at 7 pm on Wednesday 24th May 2023.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the 11am meeting and/or the 7pm meeting
Meeting ID: 312 659 343 671 Passcode: b8dgem
Or call in (audio only) +353 1 566 1017, ,572348310# Ireland, Dublin
Phone Conference ID: 572 348 310#
Please feel free to forward this link on to anyone you think may be interested in taking part. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]