Mayo PPN Newsletter #7

Mayo PPN Newsletter


The Charity Governance Code
The Charities Regulator published a new Charities Governance Code in late 2018. All registered charities in Ireland must comply with this new standard by 2020.
Mayo Public Participation Network are providing a FREE information/training session that will help community groups to work with the new code and apply it successfully to your non-profit. Come along to get an overview of the Code and its requirements & learn about the supports available to help your organisation comply.
Tues 12th Nov 2019 – Westport Plaza Hotel, 7pm-9pm. Booking essential, email [email protected]
To See full list of FREE training Click Here

Mayo Science and Technology Festival

Science Foundation Irelands 2019 Science Week theme is “Climate Action”.
Mayo is the place to be for this year’s 13th Annual Science and Technology Festival. The festival runs from the 11th to the 17th November, 2019 throughout the County culminating with an Family Open Day in GMIT, Castlebar on Sunday, 17th from 11.30am.

For further information contact:
Pat McHale or Grace McGee
Mayo County Council

E: [email protected]

See Brochure – Science Festival 2019 Brochure

Belmullet Chirstmas Market & Festival of Lights 2019

The Belmullet Christmas Market & Festival of Lights is Saturday 30th November 2019..
We have Santa, Mrs Clause and the Elves, a Spectacular Fire Show & the Festive Train. Christmas Lights switch on with Street Artists, Music, Blessing of the Crib, Choirs, stalls and lots more.
So let your festive journey begin on Saturday 30th November

Save Our Planet Competition for Schools Launched by Mayo County Council and CARO

Do you have a project or potential project that will help your school act on the climate and biodiversity emergency? Mayo County Council will give €500 to the best school project that helps address this emergency. Your school can undertake a project on any element of the climate and biodiversity emergency such as plastic, food, energy, fashion, water, transport and biodiversity.

All details are in poster seen above.

BA (Honours) in Community Development and Youth Work

Flyer BA in Com. Dev. and Youth Work


Town and Villlgae Renewal Scheme

MINISTER RING makes big funding announcement in Killawalla, Co MAYO
Minister Ring announces €15 million funding for rural Communities under Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2019.
The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a key part of the Action Plan for Rural Development and the Government’s Project Ireland 2040 Rural Regeneration Programme. Funding awarded to individual towns and villages this year generally ranges from €20,000 to €100,000, with 26 projects receiving between €100,000 and €200,000 for more ambitious proposals.
Projects approved include public realm enhancements, the re-purposing of community buildings and other measures aimed at making small rural towns and villages more attractive and sustainable places in which to live and work.
To receive up to date information on funding & training ….. check if your Community Group is registered with MAYO PPN

Leader Funding News

Mayo County Council has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, that he has allocated an additional €500,000 to the Mayo Leader Local Action Group (LAG) as one of the top ten performing LAGs nationally under the Leader programme.

The selection of Mayo Leader LAG comes after a nationwide assessment of the level of funding approved and the level of funding drawn down in respect of projects on 20 September 2019, with the county assessed in second place overall.

Minister Ring announces €62 million in Government funding for 26 Rural Regeneration and Development projects across the country.

Michael Ring TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development, has today (Wednesday, 6th November) announced 26 projects which will be allocated funding of €62 million under the second call for funding under the €1 billion Rural Regeneration and Development Fund, a key component of Project Ireland 2040.
Today’s announcement relates to Category 1 of the Fund which focuses on strategic, large-scale projects which are ready to commence and which are focused on the regeneration of rural towns and villages. The 26 projects being announced today deliver on that objective in a variety of different ways.
Among the 26 projects is the provision of a major tourism hub in Eachléim on the Erris Peninsula in the North Mayo Gaeltacht which will act as an orientation point for visitors to learn about the cultural and natural heritage attractions in the area, including Blacksod Lighthouse, and to provide tourism incubation space and support the development of craft enterprises.

To view a list of successful projects please click here

News from Mayo Public Participation Network (PPN)

Brand New Website

Mayo PPN have developed a brand new website with lots of information on community events, funding, supports available to groups & much more.

Please visit

Have you any events coming up and you wish to spread the word?
email us on [email protected]
Mayo PPN will promote your events on the PPN Social Media Channels

Mayo PPN Welcomes New Secretariat Members

The Public Participation Network (PPN) works in partnership with Mayo County Council and is the main link through which the local authority connects with the community, voluntary and environmental sectors.

Mayo PPN recently held a county plenary meeting on the 24th of October 2019 where Mary Costello, PPN Resource Worker welcomed the new members recently elected to the PPN Secretariat committee, Edith Geraghty, Austin F. O’Malley, Caitriona Cunniffe, Thomas Calvey, Mary G Duffy, Kathy Rowland and Maureen Timlin. She gave an update on the activities of the PPN and the new suite of training programmes currently being rolled out to community groups registered with Mayo PPN. The PPN’s new website was also launched at the Castlebar Municipal District meeting and elections.

Mayo PPN Secretariat Members

L-R: Kathy Rowland, Catriona Cunniffee, Daragh Owens, Sharon Horkan, Ben Ryan, Maureen Timlin and Austin F O’Malley. Missing from the photo are Edith Geraghty, Kathleen Doocey, Alan Murphy, Mary G Duffy and Thomas Calvey

Members of the community participating in the County Plenary

Mayo PPN Offers Free Training to Community Groups

Please see upcoming training below:

The PPN empowers you and the wider community to make an input and influence the future well-being of County Mayo
Mayo PPN in collaboration with Mayo County Council provides community groups with training/networking & representation on decision-making committees of Mayo County Council.

The PPN empowers you and the wider community to make an input and influence the future well-being of County Mayo
Mayo PPN provides community groups with training/networking & representation on decision-making committees in Mayo County Council.

Mayo PPN
094 90 64358