The campaign entitled – ‘It’s not your dog’s fault, it’s yours’ – is aimed at increasing awareness of the harm that out of control dogs can do to people and to livestock.
This campaign follows closely from a series of related initiatives;
- Increases in on-the-spot fines up to €300
- Additional €2 million to support dog pounds
- The establishment of the Dog Control Stakeholder Group.
Dog control legislation
No breed of dog is currently banned in Ireland. However, the relevant legislation in this area, the Control of Dogs Acts 1986 to 2014, sets out a range of requirements for all dog owners or any other person in charge of a dog.
By law, if you own a dog, you must have a dog licence. You must have a collar or harness on your dog with your contact details attached. As it is a legal requirement that dogs are accompanied and kept under ‘effectual control’, it is recommended to keep your dog on a lead in public spaces. Local bye-laws on dog access may apply in specific areas such as beaches or public parks.
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