National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) Literacy Awareness webinars

NALA is putting on two Literacy Awareness webinars in July and August.  Registration is free!!


Thursday 30 July: https://www.nala .ie/support-us/literacy-awareness-training/

Thursday 27 August:


These 1 hour webinars will give participants tips on how they or their organisation can be more accessible to people with literacy or numeracy difficulties. They will look at the challenges of participating fully in society with literacy needs and how to deal sensitively with adults with literacy needs.  An adult literacy student and a NALA staff member will discuss literacy and how to deliver a literacy-friendly service.


Who are these webinars for?

The webinars are for those working with the public. For example in government departments, semi-state bodies, County Councils, libraries, charities, community and voluntary sector organisations as well as health, legal and financial organisations.